MAGA, We are the Deplorables

Trump Rally, Billings, Montana 06SEP2018

    • Trumpster Video Gallery

BILLINGS – Hours before sunrise, Debbie and Mike Robbins of Wise River became the third and fourth people in line at Rimrock Auto Arena at MetraPark for President Donald Trump’s second campaign rally in Montana in two months.

“It’s overwhelming,” she said.

As she sought shelter from the sunshine on this 84-degree noon hour, Debbie said even hearing old Trump clips broadcast to the crowd of more than 300 (ultimately about 10,000) and growing made her teary.

She expected the rally would be “a bit crazy” and that she would be in tears for most of it, but would be glad to be an American.

“He’s somebody working for the American people. He cares about the American people not his own agenda and that’s why I’m here,” she said.

Read More: Great Falls Tribune, Trump rally crowd jazzed before campaign event in Billings, Montana